- D.Eng. (Mechanical Engineering), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 2019
- M.Eng. (Mechanical and Control Engineering), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 2016,
- B.Eng. (Chemical Engineering, 2nd Class Honour), Chulalongkorn University, 2013
Research Interest
My research experiences focus on energy conversion devices and technologies, particularly fuel cell, electrolysis and thermophotovoltaics. The research focus ranges from development of materials for fuel cells to visualization of oxide ion in oxides, covering to nanofabrication techniques. My research interest currently extends to concentrate on production of hydrogen from renewable feedstocks through various technologies.
In-situ manufacturing of metal nanocatalysts produced by exsolution from perovskite oxide electrodes under applied potentials
Visualization of oxygen incorporation for oxygen reduction reaction at solid oxide fuel cell cathodes
Fabrication of nanoscale thin-multilayer structured cells for spectrum-controlled thermophovoltaic power generation
Selected Publications