Master of Engineeringin Chemical Engineering
Chemical engineering involves molecular transformations—chemical, physical, and biological—from the submolecular to the macroscopic, and the analysis, synthesis, and operation of such systems. Graduate study provides both rigorous training in the fundamental core discipline of chemical engineering and the opportunity to focus on specific division. In addition to completing four core subject requirements in thermodynamics, reaction engineering, mathematics, and transportation phenomena, students further select a research lab for specialization: chemical engineering fundamentals, catalysis and reaction engineering, control and systems engineering, biochemical engineering, particle technology, polymer engineering, and environmental chemical engineering.

To qualify for acceptance to the M.Eng. program, a minimum grade point average of student is not specified, however the minimum grade point of admitted students in 2004 is 2.75 (A = 4.0).
An outstanding student with degree in other branches of engineering or science may apply for admission in our Master program but are required to take additional bachelor level fundamental chemical engineering courses.
Master’s Degree Program 2021-
Course Subject Credits 2105602 Advanced Transport Phenomena 3 2105603 Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 3 2105604 Advanced Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Chemical Reactor Design 3 2105605 Chemical Engineering Seminar I 1 2105606 Chemical Engineering Seminar II 1 -
Course Subject Credits 2105601 Advanced Engineering Mathematics for Chemical Engineers 3 2105612 Chemical Engineering Process and Product Development 3 2105617 Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis 3 2105618 Characterization and Instrumental Analysis 3 2105622 Chemical Process Simulation and Optimization 3 2105676 Instrumentation in Chemical Process 3 -
Course Subject Credits 2103106 Engineering Drawing 3 2105251 Unit Operations I 3 210530 Chemical Engineering Mathematics I 3 210533 Transport Phenomena 3 2105352 Unit Operations II 3 2105353 Unit Operations III 3 2105356 Unit Operations Laboratory I 1 2105357 Unit operations Laboratory II 1 2105373 Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Reactor Design 3 2105458 Unit Operation Laboratory III 1 2105464 Chemical Process Design 3 2105472 Process Dynamics and Control 3
Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering
Course Credits
Thesis Credits
Seminar Credits
The degree requires that you complete:
- The core curriculum in chemical engineering of 9 credits
- The approved and free elective curriculum in each division of 6 and 9 credits, respectively
- Two seminar courses: Seminar I and Seminar II
- Written and oral defense of a thesis on original research of 12 credits.
- An English Proficiency test (CU-TEP) with a minimum score of 45 before graduated, if not they must take a course on English
The degree requires that you complete:
- Advanced Transport Phenomena 2105602
- Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 2105603
- Advanced Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Chemical Reactor Design 2105604
If not they must take a course on English and have a pass grade within the first year.