Dr. Akawat Sirisuk

ดร. อัครวัต ศิริสุข

Research Profile



  • Ph.D. (Chemical Engineering), University of Wisconsin – Madison, Awarded May 2003
  • B.Eng. (1st Class Honor), (Chemical Engineering), Chulalongkorn University, Awarded March 1993

Research Interest

My research interest involves the synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles (especially TiO2) for several applications as a photocatalyst or a catalyst support. Various techniques, namely, sol-gel, solvothermal, or flame spray pyrolysis can be used for such synthesis. TiO2 is modified so as to achieve better performance in photocatalytic reaction under visible light irradiation. Several photocatalytic applications of TiO2 -based photocatalysts have been investigated, including removal of organic contaminants from water and air and conversion of CO2 to products with higher value. We are also interested in dye-sensitized solar cell that incorporates a thin-film TiO2 electrode.



Sirisuk, A., Hill, Jr., C. G., and Anderson, M. A., “Photocatalytic Degration of Ethylene over Thin Films of TitaniaSupported on Glass Rings”,Catalysis Today, 54 (1999), P. 159-164.
Sirisuk, A., Klansorn, E., and Praserthdam, P., “Effects of reaction medium and crystallite size on Ti3+ surface defects in titanium dioxide nanoparticles prepared by solvothermal method”,CatalysisCommunications, 9 (2008), p. 1810-1814.

Selected Publications
